- The designation of particulars; particular mention.
- Same as law of specification.
- In civil law, the formation of a new property from materials belonging to another person. Specification exists where a person works up materials belonging to another into something which must be taken to be a new substance—for example, where whisky is made from corn. The effect is that the owner of the materials loses his property in them, and has only an action for the value of them against the person by whom they have been used. The doctrine originates in the civil law, but has been adopted by the common law, under the name of confusion and accession, at least where the person making the spccification acts in good faith.
- In patent law, the applicant's description of the manner of constructing and using his invention.
- The act of making specific, or the state of having a specific character; reference to or correlation with a species or kind; determination of species or specific relation.
- An article, item, or particular specified; a special point, detail, or reckoning upon which a claim, an accusation, an estimate, a plan, or an assertion is based: as, the specifications of an architect or an engineer, of an indictment, etc.; the specification of the third charge against a prisoner; statements unsupported by specifications.
- An act of specifying, or making a detailed statement, or the statement so made; a definite or formal mention of particulars: as, a specification of one's requirements.
- An exact written description of an invention by an applicant for a patent.
- A single item or article that has been specified.
- A detailed, exact statement of particulars, especially a statement prescribing materials, dimensions, and quality of work for something to be built, installed, or manufactured.
- The act of specifying.
- A restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement
- Naming explicitly
- A detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work
- The act of specifying or determining by a mark or limit; notation of limits.
- A written statement containing a minute description or enumeration of particulars, as of charges against a public officer, the terms of a contract, the description of an invention, as in a patent; also, a single article, item, or particular, an allegation of a specific act, as in a charge of official misconduct.
- (patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and usse of an invention
- An explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.
- A detailed listing or description of the required properties of some object proposed to be built or bought; -- usually used in the plural.
- A detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work
- The specifications, as for a building to be constructed.
- Speculation.
- A colloquial abbreviation of speculation.
- In natural history, an abbreviation of specimen: with a plural specs., sometimes specc. Compare sp.
- Short form of specification
- Short form of speculation
- Short form of specialization
- Short form of special
- A special place (for hiding or viewing)
- N/A
- Of or relating to specifications.
- Done, constructed, produced, or purchased as a speculation.
- N/A
- To specify, especially in a formal specification document.
- N/A
- To write or supply specifications for.
- N/A
- (idiom) (on spec) On a speculation basis; with no assurance of profit.
- Features, Corrigendum, Specifying, Requirement, Norme, Specified, Specifies, Definition, Requirements, Specifier, Standards, Specs, Standard, Stipulation, Spec
- Roadster, Internals, Horsepower, Prototype, Chassis, Foc, Specify, Detail, Specifying, Tp, Cp, Specified, Standard, Specifications, Specification
- Defining, Rules, Description, Descriptions, Corrigendum, Requirement, Specified, Specifies, Definition, Requirements, Specifier, Specs, Standard, Stipulation, Spec
- Drivetrain, Tourer, Firmware, Motherboard, Roadster, Internals, Horsepower, Prototype, Chassis, Specify, Detail, Specified, Standard, Specifications, Specification
- Minimally, the specification committee is expected to use their vote to ensure that specification projects stay within scope.
- The frame specification can only be given in the new window specification.
- For this stage the Requirements Specification is the input and the output is the Functional Specification Document or the Functional Requirements Specification.
- GUIDANCE ON USE INTRODUCTION Specification Guides These are produced by manufactures to facilitate the specification of their products in NBS.
- Welcome to Specification Online, the ultimate product specification resource for professionals that delivers construction and building news.
- If an implementation specification is described as required, the specification must be implemented.
- Ensure their definition in the subsystem specification is specification.
- Hence the protocol specification is just another agent specification.
- If the government uses a composite specification, the parties must examine each portion of the specification to determine which specification type caused the problem.
- Complete specification is filed subsequent to the filing of corresponding provisional specification and claiming priority from filed provisional specification.
- You can always set your loot spec to resto if you are soloing as a DPS spec, even for wold quests at max level.
- As well the ability to only use one spec in each of the three spec columns is a piss off.
- STATICThis keyword lets you declare a subprogram or call spec as a method in an objecttype spec.
- SAE spec and have made the mathematical correlation to the EPA spec.
- This spec is the best PVP dps spec whether it is Arena or BGs.
- SPEC member may request that a full disclosure of the result be forwarded to SPEC.
- Jump out of spec translation early if the spec is not migratable.
- SPEC may still assert copyright and license the SPEC product.
- GCC Compilers Using Spec Files and Spec Strings.
- This unit spec for spec is a competitive option.
- What is the neuromorphological file specification (NFS)?
- Who developed the security token service specification?
- How to create Justinmind specification document templates?
- What is the National structural steelwork specification?
- What are platform initialization specification volumes?
- What is the AISI s240 specification and the applicable specification?
- What is the supplemental specification to API specification 6dss for subsea pipeline valves?
- Is this specification valid for the 2018 GCSE Mathematics (specification a) examination?
- What is solder mask material specification Specification?
- What is the GCSE specification a (specification a) specification?
- What is the standard spec for autocatalytic coating?
- Does API spec 20E introduce manufacturing procedure requirements?
- Why choose spec-savers Cape Town station optometrist?
- Mengapa laptop ThinkPad harus melalui pengujian mil-Spec?
- What is Hitachi gene spec spectrophotometer 000497?
- Are Shimano I-Spec II shifters compatible with Shimano's I-spec EV brake levers?
- What are the system requirements for Spec Ops Spec Ops?
- Should I write a spec episode or a spec original pilot?
- What are the a-spec and Tol-spec limits for acetone?
- Why do people not drop their hybrid spec for dual spec?