- Capable of physically reflecting light or sound
- Persistently or morbidly thoughtful
- Of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection.
- Capable of or producing reflection.
- Characterized by or given to serious thinking or contemplation; thoughtful. : pensive.
- Throwing back images.
- Addicted to introspective or meditative habits.
- Reflexive; reciprocal.
- Devoted to matters of the mind
- Thinking back on the past.
- Deeply or seriously thoughtful
- Something which reflects, or redirects back to the source.
- Showing pensive sadness
- Persistently or morbidly thoughtful
- Engaged in deep and serious thought.
- Showing or expressing deep, often melancholy thought.
- Thoughtful, sober, or sad; employed in serious reflection; given to, or favorable to, earnest or melancholy musing.
- Expressing or suggesting thoughtfulness with sadness.
- Having the appearance of deep, often melancholic, thinking.
- Looking thoughtful, especially from sadness.
- Deeply or seriously thoughtful
- Produced by reflection.
- Throwing back rays or images; giving reflections; reflecting.
- Taking cognizance of the operations of the mind; exercising thought or reflection; capable of exercising thought or judgment.
- Having a tendency to or characterized by reflection.
- Devoted to reflection; containing reflections.
- In grammar, reflexive.
- Synonyms Meditative, reflective, sober.
- Expressing thoughtfulness with sadness; betokening or conducive to thoughtful or earnest musing.
- Engaged in serious thought or reflection; given to earnest musing: often implying some degree of anxiety, depression, or gloom; thoughtful and somewhat melancholy.
- Reflects, Reflect, Intellectual, Broody, Pondering, Musing, Specular, Brooding, Meditative, Pensive, Ruminative, Thoughtful, Contemplative, Mirrorlike, Reflecting
- Introspective, Melancholy, Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Pondering, Sad, Musing, Reflective, Broody, Thoughtful, Meditative, Ruminative, Brooding, Contemplative, Wistful
- Illuminating, Reflect, Intellectual, Broody, Pondering, Musing, Specular, Brooding, Meditative, Pensive, Ruminative, Thoughtful, Contemplative, Mirrorlike, Reflecting
- Introspective, Melancholy, Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Pondering, Sad, Musing, Reflective, Broody, Thoughtful, Meditative, Ruminative, Brooding, Contemplative, Wistful
- Great looking cards with heavy reflective silver foil.
- Demonstrates reflective practice in written or verbal form.
- Gain an experiential understanding of Reflective Structured Dialogue.
- Reflective reports: In addition to the assessed reports, three reflective reports are completed.
- Researchers read transcripts, wrote reflective notes and engaged in reflective dialogues about each interview and the whole material.
- Engage in faceface interactions and obtain reflective feedback so that they can develop the skills to do reflective supervision with other professionals.
- Street names shall be displayed using reflective white letters on a reflective green background.
- Reflective Practice post outlines the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, and how to write reflectively.
- Perform transmission, reflective and aging studies on renewable reflective films.
- Presentation Reflective Reading, Reflective Responding Reflection and the Writing Course Reflection and Assessment Literacy and the Curriculum Reflective Texts, Reflective Writers.
- Pensive Face, but with a sadder, more hurt expression.
- Image: Pensive young woman holding smart phone at workplace.
- Proctor, is engaged in pensive selfreflection regarding his life.
- Len nodded, his own expression calmer, more pensive.
- Now Tom could see his face: pensive, withdrawn.
- Fr: My leasure serves me pensive daughter now.
- But why so pensive, my good master Fox?
- The Governor General found him pensive and sad.
- The audience will long remember that pensive night.
- It can also refer to any pensive or reflective poem that is nostalgic or melancholy, or to a short, pensive musical composition.
- Are You challenged by photography reflective jewelry?
- How can reflective learning improve student motivation?
- Can reflective practice improve clinical performance?
- Do reflective eportfolios improve curriculum improvement?
- What color reflective tape do you use on a reflective jacket?
- Is Gibbs� reflective cycle a good framework for reflective writing?
- Do coaches need reflective portfolios or reflective diaries?
- What is Gibbs' reflective cycle or reflective model?
- Do you provide reflective sheeting with different reflective values?
- What is the return policy for reflective reflective clothing?
- What is the best example of pensive reflection in the poem?
- How did David Drayton become part of X-Pensive Winos?
- What are some examples of pensive behavior in the Bible?