- A lenitive; an emollient.
- An emollient; a lenitive.
- N/A
- Characterized by tolerance and mercy
- Tolerant or lenient
- Inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful or indulgent.
- Not harsh or strict; merciful or generous.
- Relaxing; emollient; softening; assuasive; -- sometimes followed by of.
- Mild; clement; merciful; not rigorous or severe
- Lax; tolerant of deviation; permissive; not strict.
- Not strict
- Granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline
- Not preventive
- Granting or inclined to grant permission; tolerant or lenient.
- Characterized by freedom of personal behavior or a disregard of traditional social mores.
- Permitted or optional.
- Supporting viral replication. Used of a cell.
- Permitting; granting leave or liberty.
- Permitted; tolerated; suffered.
- Giving, or predisposed to give permission; lenient.
- Softening; mitigating; assuasive.
- Relaxing; emollient; lenitive.
- Acting or disposed to act without rigor or severity; mild; gentle; merciful; clement.
- Synonyms Forbearing, tender. See leniency.
- Not strict in discipline
- Permitted; unhindered; that may or may not be done or left undone; at the option of the individual, community, etc.; optional; not obligatory or mandatory.
- That suffers, permits, or allows (something to pass or be done); that allows or grants permission: unhindering.
- Relaxed, Generous, Favorable, Strict, Tolerant, Harsh, Stringent, Forgiving, Easy, Undemanding, Clement, Soft, Indulgent, Permissive, Lax
- Allowable, Flexible, Permitted, Propitious, Supportive, Conducive, Permissible, Favorable, Liberal, Tolerant, Bailable, Soft, Indulgent, Lax, Lenient
- Relaxed, Generous, Favorable, Strict, Tolerant, Harsh, Stringent, Forgiving, Easy, Undemanding, Clement, Soft, Indulgent, Permissive, Lax
- Allowable, Flexible, Permitted, Propitious, Supportive, Conducive, Permissible, Favorable, Liberal, Tolerant, Bailable, Soft, Indulgent, Lax, Lenient
- Are CO clauses becoming more stringent or lenient?
- The original sentence was "unduly lenient", he said.
- This punishment, however, is amongst the most lenient.
- Thailand dress code for men is pretty lenient.
- Does its command offer lenient terms for surrender?
- Fortunately, Uruguay has a pretty lenient visa policy.
- Canadian airline have a very lenient luggage allowance.
- Many black leaders consider the sentences too lenient.
- Chill server that is lenient on the rules.
- Teacher assessment practice for each student identified through the gap between the most lenient and the least lenient scores were remarkably differential.
- Extramarital Sexuality: A Predictive Model of Permissive Attitudes.
- Acu anc ICSs are permissive rather than exhaustive.
- TDS when they begin testing with Permissive Mode.
- The amendment also clarifies that docketing statements are not required in permissive appeals in criminal cases, but are required in other permissive appeals.
- The Oklahoma Supreme Court found that the use was permissive and reiterated that permissive use can never ripen into an easement.
- To calculate a pedestrian permissive, a vehicle permissive shall be calculated first even though no vehicle phase exists.
- During the second permissive period, the controller shall answer calls on all remaining phases except the first permissive phase.
- Supreme Court in Simmons explained that permissive use defeats the establishment of a prescriptive easement precisely because permissive use cannot be adverse.
- Permissive interventions: fiat money, central banks, and financialisation The welfare state is not the most important area of permissive interventionism.
- Permissive Uses: All permissive uses in the Neighborhood Commercial District.
- Did Leavitt ask Utah County to be lenient with Allen?
- How does Cruz convince the judge to lenient on Freddy?
- Will Reid Mason get lenient treatment because of his father?
- What is an example of lenient economy in the Bible?
- Are universities lenient when it comes to granting places?
- Did Dziekan write letter requesting lenient sentence for ewiak?
- How to validate calendar fields in non-lenient mode?
- Why do rating agencies give lenient ratings to issuers?
- Was the Treaty of Versailles too lenient on Germany?
- What is the legal guidance for unduly lenient sentences?
- What are inductive and permissive interactions during development?
- Does Norfolk County Council maintain the permissive path?
- What was Disraeli's policy of permissive legislation?
- Is adolescent autonomy a sign of permissive parenting?
- What are synergistic and permissive effects of estrogen?
- Does turnout increase under permissive electoral institutions?
- What is a permissive operational environment describes?
- What are the characteristics of permissive parenting?
- What is permissive hypotension or hypotensive resuscitation?
- Is the Pimcore Enterprise license permissive or permissive?