VSDiff.org is a tool to compare the differences between words. Not only distinguish differences in definition, origin ..., VSDiff also provides examples, common questions and sample sentences related to the words to look up to help you use them more exactly.

Explore difference between words.

Finding the differences between words is a common task in many fields, including computer science, linguistics, and literature.

I am a software developer. During the time of developing a chatbot for my-own company, I have learned Natural Language Processing. I have developed an algorithm called "Selecting next word for a chat in specific context". I was fascinated when I discovered that in a certain context, the quality of a chat between human and chatbot can significantly improve or become confusing depending on the "next word" that chatbot chooses.

Why do I create VSDIFF.ORG?

For convenience in training language model for chatbot and checking training quality, I initially developed a tool for myself and my team members to use internally. Then I suddenly realized why don't I share this tool with everyone? That's why I built this website: VSDIFF.ORG.

Unlike existing dictionaries or word comparison tools on the Internet, VSDIFF.ORG does not simply compare words when they are used as noun, adjective, verb, ... but VSDIFF. ORG also provides:

How to use VSDIFF.ORG?

For using vsdiff.org: all you need to input 2 words into 2 textboxes on the top of website then press Enter.

I also created many pairs of words comparison that we selected based on highest related priority in the process of developing "next word search algorithm". I placed them on "Recent compares" section at homepage. I hope my project can be useful to you, contributing to improving your work in academic fields, learning to use English, writing essays or improving writing skills.

I am always ready to receive your comments to improve this website. If you have any ideas, please email me: [email protected]

Best regards.

December 15, 2023